
Doc Riegel - one good medicine man

We had our first field trip yesterday as a family. Me, Liam, Mom and Mama Hazel went to town to run some errands - you know the usual - see the doctor, pay a parking ticket at the courthouse. Yes, the first place we took my son was the Irving Courts to pay a parking ticket. He was asleep so I don't think he saw where we were.

On a better note, we went to see Dr. Riegel who is our O.B. . Little plug here for doc - he is phenomenal and a great person to be around. His reputation is fantastic (he is a Deacon at Prestonwood Church) and is completely dedicated to his patients. Alicia was glad to have him as her doctor. At his office there was a magazine that featured him and a patient of his who had quadruplets - get this - they became pregnant with them 5 months after they had thier first - they had NO fertility help and they were ON the pill. This puts the odds of this birth happening at 1 in 55,000,000!
One thing that I wanted to make sure of was to get a picture of Liam and Dr. Riegel for posterity. He was the first hand to welcome our little man into the world and he took excellent care in making Alicia's c-section an easy and non-complicative procedure.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Patrick! This blog is really neat - I'm enjoying reading about you and Alicia's daily adventures with Liam! :)

I just wanted to comment that the patient featured in the magazine at your Dr's ofc is a girl in our fellowship class at PBC! They were actually pregnant with quintuplets (5!) but lost 1 early in their pregnancy. Anyway, Liz and her husband Donnie are an amazing couple. Check out their web site (http://www.dixonquads.com) and blog (http://dixon7.wordpress.com/!

Anonymous said...

Hi Orenders,
It was a pleasure taking care of ya'll. Thanks for including me on your site.