
Facing Fatherhood

Parenting 101: Be thankful that you had great parents.

Experiencing fatherhood is more exciting knowing that I have a great imprint on my mind what a good father is. I think of the many things that my Dad has done and is for me:
- Writing 21 notes to me, one for every year of my life, and giving them to me as a gift when I turned 21. Have you ever seen a 21 year old cry?
- When riding in the car together he always had wisdom to share with me about life. He never told me not to do something I shouldn't but rather he showed me what was great about avoiding bad choices.
- Investing in my spiritual life - Kanakuk, Trinity Christian Academy, Always on the front row at church every Sunday, seeing him memorize bible versus at home, seeing him serve the poor, praying over me, sharing who Christ is with me when I was young (yep, I remember).
- Burned Cork face painting
- Allowing me fail so that I could succeed
- Playing Tennis (I have never beat him)
- Teaching me to have a positive attitude that encourages others
- Playing basketball with me at night and helping me get better.
- Indian Guides
- Fishing/Hunting Trips - great laughs, sites and memories
- Helping me understand sacrifice
- Showing me what it is to love your wife

There are 34 years of memories I could write but this is good for now.
I do not look at fatherhood with concern or timidity but with fervor and joy.
This is what a great father gives his son.

1 comment:

Katy said...

You are so right! We are beyond blessed to have such wonderful parents!