
Liam's Second Month on the Range - He's a'Growin'!

Liam celebrated 2 months here at the Ponderosa with Ma and Pa last Thursday.
It is amazing to look back and see how much he has grown and developed.

Here are some of his firsts we've experienced lately:

1. He laughed for the first time 2 weeks ago at his Pops
2. He is tracking us with his eyes when we walk through the room.
3. He is an expert bubble blower with his slobber.
4. One week ago he began grabbing Alicia's hair when she changes his diaper.
5. Liam is now a big boy and sleeps in the crib in his room - however, Mom & Pops reserve the right to have him sleep-over at any time they wish.
6. Little Man has learned to "pass gas" when needed - effort filled face included!
7. As of a week ago he has started to "talk" to us. A little sigh and coo here and there as he smiles at us.
8. Yesterday he sucked his thumb for the second time in a week - usually he just give his forearm hickies.

We will keep you posted via this pony express blogger here. Holler at us if you need some more pictures! He is addictive we are figuring out.


Katy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I needed these pictures. Thank you! He looks like he's getting so big! I want to hug him!

Anonymous said...

I was craving a Liam update, too. Keep the pictures coming - he is too cute to only see once every few weeks!